Building in the Open

Prashant Chari
1 min readFeb 24, 2022

I am envious of those who build in the open. I could never do it.

Yesterday, I came across a founder who had posted that as his startup was moving servers, something went wrong. His customers were locked out. His team was scrambling to solve the problem. Complaints started to fly in.

He was swamped. This was his cry for help.

I haven’t been able to get this out of my mind since I came across the tweet. Not because it was so tragic. The issue is now resolved. The community pitched in.

Rather, it was because of the many failures it takes to succeed. Going on that journey, hitting dead end after dead end, recalibrating, rebuilding, can take a lot out of you. To do it in the open is to make yourself more vulnerable.

These are founders who are literally putting their all out there. And in the process, we can all learn a few valuable lessons.


